What are worms? Ways of parasite infection. How are worms transmitted from person to person? Signs and symptoms of parasites in the body.
13 April 2022
Which parasites (worms) live in the human body. Internal human parasites. Parasites in the human mouth. Photos of parasites
16 April 2021
Parasitic infestation can cause many other diseases and lead to dire consequences. That is why great attention should be paid to prevention.
21 August 2019
The purging of parasites consists of several stages: preparation of the stomach (the diet), enema, ingestion of medicines or use folk remedies. Methods of preparing folk remedies for a variety and each is easy to prepare.
3 July 2019
To catch worms can be anyone — from Pets, using household appliances, dirty hands, raw fish or meat. Upon the slightest suspicion of infection with helminths, you should immediately consult a doctor.
18 May 2019